The CFOO Centre Limited as Project Managers and Project Implementers

There is a common saying that “The only thing that is constant is change”. Change is common and all around us. Whether you talk about market and consumer trends, competitors, business models, technologies, new laws and legislation, organisations are subject to continuous change in order to survive and thrive. Success in change requires effective and efficient cooperation between the permanent members of the team and third parties who are implementing any project. Selecting the right project manager(s) and middle and top management support are key determinants of the success of projects. It is imperative that the organisation select project managers whom the employees respect and are happy to work with. It is important that the organisation benefits from the role of the project manager. Selecting a wrong project manager can jeopardise the project, even when the project is supported by top management.

Projects in organisations include:

Projects in IT systems, Projects in Performance Management Processes, Greenfield Projects, Relocations or even Closures of Divisions, Investment in New and Technologically Advanced Assets, Strategy Projects, Projects in Financial and Accounting Systems, Downsizing Projects, Operational changes, Product changes, Private Equity and Changes in Ownership Projects, Due Diligence Projects, Acquisitions and Mergers, Projects in Offshoring and/or Outsourcing.

Recent research shows that change is happening at a very fast pace, and less than 60% of projects fail to meet their organisational objective. The objective is usually bottom-line improvement. The research has further shown that 40% of projects fail to show any real improvement in performance, while only 40% complete on time. The impact of such failures is extremely high, including a loss of competitive advantage, market position, stakeholder/shareholder confidence, reshuffles of staff and forced resignations of key employees, to name a few.

The CFOO Centre Limited
Has successfully implemented numerous projects and we have a range of checklists, tools and techniques to ensure successful implementation. As projects needs to be successfully undertaken, we will manage the project process into the following phases:

1. Evaluation,

2. Manpower requirements forecasting,

3. Plan with the end in mind,

4. Help create the team,

5. Develop activities,

6. Implementation,

7. Ensure that the project runs successfully.

The CFOO Centre Limited has been extremely successful in managing operational projects. We will not only guide you where to begin but we will provide you with the expertise in the process and be your project managers from the start to the successful end. We guarantee yielding the greatest results. The CFOO Centre Limited will use numerous tools from the 3-Step Model of Change, The 7S Framework Model, Stakeholder Mapping Techniques, Stakeholders Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Force Field Analysis at the different stages of the project.

Contact us for a free, simple, non-binding and confidential appointment to deliberate on your specific project. Thereafter, we can decide on a proposal for support where the methodology will be discussed with you. We will match your needs, planning and budget specifically. We are more than just advisors, as we will take over your project and align ourselves with your objectives and work together to unlock the full potential of your organisation.

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