Strategic planning, strategic thinking and strategic leadership for 2021 and beyond – The practical way to do it.

Given the tough times faced by organisations in 2020, having a concise strategy for 2021 and beyond, is necessary. Nevertheless, strategic planning alone will not be sufficient. Organisations will need strategic planning, strategic thinking and strategic leadership. 

There was nothing wrong with running an organisation from month to month or year to year without planning. However, your competition is doing exactly what you have been doing but more cheaply, more economically and more effectively,  selling at lower prices, thus throwing your sales into a downward spiral and eating into profit margins.

Strategic planning is the formal process of strategising, strategic thinking is the “how to”, “what to”, “when to” and “what to”, and strategic leadership is the combination of strategic planning and strategic thinking. We have worked with many CEOs in 2020 and the common phrase we have heard from them is that ‘‘If I only knew that Corona was coming, I would have done things very  differently.”

We will work very closely with your teams, assisting you in developing tailor-made processes that will provide benefits to your organisations including assisting you in formalizing not only the strategy document for your organisation, but more importantly ensuring that the process is adhered to, as well as monitored and reported on, quarterly. 

Our process will entail: 

  1. An environmental assessment, internal as well as external; 
  2. Your organization’s goal(s) identification; 
  3. The planning process; 
  4. The product of the above 3 steps including developing the roadmap of specific steps, targets and benchmarks and who does what;  
  5. The action plan including reporting on accountability of your people; 

The entire process, above, (as we have learned by working with numerous organisations) has numerous pitfalls and each step has inherent obstacles and challenges. 

Many organisations we have worked with, simply suffer from a lack of strategic leadership in both the mid and top levels. Managers neither plan nor think strategically. 

We can help bridge this gap by bringing your leadership team on the same page and lock the organisation into a common initiative/project/direction without making too many costly deviations. 

The process would only be a starting point but the reason for the same would be an intentional process for strategizing the direction of the organisation in 2021 and beyond. In these CoronaVirus times, there has been great volatility in organisations and many organisations will need to adjust quickly. 

The CFOO Centre team will provide you with guidance for the entire process. We will help you get the right players from your team to the table, help you designate key roles and responsibilities and above all we shall facilitate the process. 

Our engagement with your organisation will ideally be for a minimum period of one year and once a quarter. 

Reach out to Rajeev on +254-736-515-168 

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