Make your organisation successful – The CFOO Centre as your partner in driving success

Do you find the time to stand back from the day-to-day running of your organisation to look at its performance and its longer-term strategic issues ? Do you understand how to get the best out of your organisation and where to take it next ?

More than ever before, organisations need to ensure that they are:

(i) Doing things right, doing the right things, going in the right direction and performing better than the competition;

(ii) Competing in the right market and market segments, with the right products and services;

(iii) Balancing correctly between investments, assets, skills, finance, infrastructure and inter- relationships to deliver value to customers;

(iv) Minimising costs that add little or no value to the organisation and therefore eventually to customers;

(v) Being aware of external environmental changes and being capable of responding quickly to new opportunities or threats;

(vi) Measuring current performance correctly and the success of strategic initiatives.

The CFOO Centre Limited
Can assist you in setting up a simple yet an effective KPI and Analysis table to follow. The KPI and Analysis table will be used in evaluating the progress for reaching specific targets, checking on the overall performance and identifying and correcting the abnormalities. We will design a KPI and Analysis table for you, using the SMART criteria. These will help in measuring, analysing and taking corrective action on Strategic, Tactical and Operational standards in your organisation.

If you are measuring too many things, you’re really not measuring anything. The CFOO Centre Limited will advice you in rightsizing your KPI list to drive strategic intent so that there is no confusion as to what is really important.

We will advice you in ensuring that the selected KPI shall lead you toward your strategic objectives as well as measure performance. We will ensure that your KPI’s are valid and relatable at all levels of your organisation. Finally we shall ensure that all your KPI’s are controllable and ensure that the individual is fully empowered to make necessary changes in order to drive performance of the KPI.

A simple KPI and Analysis table that we have completed for a client recently is shown below.

We have simple yet effective checklists that would help assess your organisations’

(i) Financial position

(ii) Management of assets, investments and working capital

(iii) Continuous improvement programs

(iv) Management of innovation

(v) Markets

(vi) Service and distribution effectiveness

(vii) Ownership and internal organisation

(viii) Management and staff

(ix) Future growth and value added or eroded

(x) Compliance with regulations and stakeholders’ expectation

(xi) Vision and values

The CFOO Centre Limited
Can thereafter assist you to use these checklists to place you in a better position so that you can understand your areas of weakness and your potential exposure to a downturn. We will assist you not only in prioritising the areas which require immediate attention but we will also identify appropriate actions and assist you in their implementation.

Finally, when times are tough, knowing exactly what you are facing and being realistic about what needs to change will put your organisation in a better shape to respond quickly to further changes in the market (be they positive or negative) and as they occur.

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