Cents or Sense

The CFOO Centre Limited will solve your problems and provide your organisation with solutions to improve performance. We will give you external and objective advice as we have deep industry knowledge. We will not fall into the “happy with the status quo” trap.

Why would you hire The CFOO Centre Limited as your external consultants?

We have a unique background – Not only are we qualified Chartered Accountants and hold MBA’s from prestigious Business Schools in Europe but we have educational and practical experience in Operational Management including Monozukuri, Lean and 20 Keys.
Fresh ideas – We will not offer your organisation an “off-the-shelf solution” that may not be appropriate for a particular problem or opportunity in your organisation. We will use our experience to diagnose your problems and provide you with solutions.
Staff reinforcement – If your organisation has short to medium-term staffing needs due to factors from right sizing, downsizings or sudden expansion, we can “plug a hole” for the organisation by filling the role of full time employees for that period.
Change agents – For major operational and strategic shifts in your organisation, we can help your organisation reach the desired conclusions.
Best practice – We will bring in best industry practices in areas of Finance, Operations, Supply Chain to mention a few.
Turnaround – We have the experience of troubleshooting and thereafter pulling off complete turnarounds.
Does your organisation have the following problems?

Lacks a written strategy document,
Constant increase in costs and cost base,
Cash shortage,
Delays in delivery of products and services,
Overworked staff,
Losing market position,
Excessive rework,
Constant supply deficiencies,
Lack of information
Inability to make decisions from the current information,
Unexplained low staff morale,
Talk to The CFOO Centre Limited
We will deliver business results, provide you with credible solutions and keep you satisfied. In addition to the above we will train your employees to bring out the best in your organisation. Your return on investment will be tremendous.

Many a time, it does not make sense to hire a full-time employee whose annual salary, benefits, leave etc., would easily exceed the cost to hire a consultant who would charge a fee to accomplish a specific task.

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