
The CFOO Centre Limited will solve your problems and provide your organisation with solutions to improve performance. We will give you external and objective advice as we have deep industry knowledge. We will not fall into the “happy with the status quo” trap. Why would you hire The CFOO Centre Limited as your external consultants? We have a unique background – Not only are we qualified Chartered Accountants and hold MBA’s from prestigious Business Schools in Europe but we have educational and practical experience in Operational Management including Monozukuri, Lean and 20 Keys. Fresh ideas – We will not offer […]
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Organisations, business owners and entrepreneurs require business plans for: Fund raising. Stop or go decisions – To help the organisation uncover and correct flaws in the business concept. Also if the plan demonstrates that the idea will not work, one would be able to avoid the expansion. Improve the probability of success and lower the likelihood of failure. Put the concept of the Board or the entrepreneur into a formal document. As a measurement tool – To keep the organisation on track so that there is a regular measure on where it needs to be in a months’ time, a […]
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Not having a full time CFO or a COO does not suggest that your organisation doesn’t need financial and operational leadership. Our broad and inclusive financial management and operational management outsourcing services to clients helps organisations focus on what they do best and that is “concentrate on running their organisations”. The CFOO Centre’s solutions are unique to every client and feature an authoritative blend of financial management and operational management principles including internal controls, accounting, data analytics and turning numbers into decision making enablers, Monozukuri, 20 Keys and Lean principles with advisory services that will deliver results. Our CFO and […]
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Sometimes, the easier option for an organisation’s leaders or business owners is to “bury their heads in sand” and not think about potential hazards that the organisation may face. “We will handle it when it arises”, is a sure way of potentially bring the organisation to its knees. It has probably been playing up on your mind sub-consciously and it is time to deal with it, rather than spend time worrying about what may go wrong. Risk is the possibility of experiencing an event that could cause harm, loss, or disrupt operations. Risk is measured in terms of probability and […]
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There is a common saying that “The only thing that is constant is change”. Change is common and all around us. Whether you talk about market and consumer trends, competitors, business models, technologies, new laws and legislation, organisations are subject to continuous change in order to survive and thrive. Success in change requires effective and efficient cooperation between the permanent members of the team and third parties who are implementing any project. Selecting the right project manager(s) and middle and top management support are key determinants of the success of projects. It is imperative that the organisation select project managers […]
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Doing business with partners throughout the world is the new norm. An organisation’s value chains, (i.e. the series of steps taken to deliver products or services) depends on many business relationships that would impact the Operating Profits and therefore EBITDA. Your organisation should manage its value chain to drive success and The CFOO Centre Limited can play an important role is this. To unlock competitive advantage, The CFOO Centre Limited will follow Traditional Methodology, Monozukuri and the ODI’s 20 Keys Methodology of improving value chain by: (i) Analysing the current process (from inception to end) of the value chain and […]
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Do you find the time to stand back from the day-to-day running of your organisation to look at its performance and its longer-term strategic issues ? Do you understand how to get the best out of your organisation and where to take it next ? More than ever before, organisations need to ensure that they are: (i) Doing things right, doing the right things, going in the right direction and performing better than the competition; (ii) Competing in the right market and market segments, with the right products and services; (iii) Balancing correctly between investments, assets, skills, finance, infrastructure and […]
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Research has shown that fraud in organisations increases where the organisations operate in countries which are in a period of either economic crisis or where the country ranks high in the World Corruption Index. The role of internal audit is viewed as assisting management in safeguarding assets, monitoring control systems, preventing and detecting fraud, reviewing the 3E’s (economy, efficiency and effectiveness), identifying significant risks and ensuring completeness and accuracy of financial statements. Internal audit is changing rapidly in response to the changing needs of the organisation. The emphasis in many internal audit departments is to add value to the organisation […]
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How an OP Expert can boost your bottom line What is OP? Operating Profit (OP) is a measure of the organisation’s operating performance and is one of the methods by which Investors, Private Equity Companies and Bankers, etc. use to evaluate the performance of an organisation. It is also an important element used to compute EBITDA. OP is extremely key for the personal wealth of the shareholder and also for future sustainability. Without an attractive OP, the organisation would not be investable. Apart from OP, some of the other important aspects of measuring the organisation’s health and its future sustainability […]
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Planning for the inevitable succession can help reduce the confusion and even turbulence of leadership change. Although talking about retirement or death may be difficult, leaders owe it to their businesses to have these frank discussions. Not discussing succession and proposals for the company’s future, creates great risk on the business. Succession planning is a process of identifying and developing talent to replace executive, leadership and those holding key positions in a company. This would be necessitated by retirement, exit or death of any of the leaders. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and capable employees who shall then […]
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