Business Planning

Organisations, business owners and entrepreneurs require business plans for:

Fund raising.
Stop or go decisions – To help the organisation uncover and correct flaws in the business concept. Also if the plan demonstrates that the idea will not work, one would be able to avoid the expansion.
Improve the probability of success and lower the likelihood of failure.
Put the concept of the Board or the entrepreneur into a formal document.
As a measurement tool – To keep the organisation on track so that there is a regular measure on where it needs to be in a months’ time, a quarters’ time etc.
A typical business plan describes and analyses your organisation and gives detailed projections about its future, covering all financial aspects from the P&L accounts to the Balance Sheet, Working Capital and Cash Flow projections. All these show the amount of money that is needed at a given time, how it would be raised and how it would be paid pack etc. Good business plans include sensitivity analysis as well as risk analysis.

The CFOO Centre would put together convincing business plans with extremely realistic financial projections, effective marketing strategies and overall business goals. These would take into consideration some aspects including but not limited to:

Sales forecasts (revenue and tonnage etc.).
Marketing plans and costs.
HR and personnel plans from people required at the factory floor to administrative requirements.
Future industry trends.
SWOT, PESTEL and INDUS analysis.
Capital expenditure and depreciation.
Financing aspects including loans from banks and shareholders and private equity.
Aspects of taxation (including where available incentives).
P&L account and Balance Sheet forecasts paying attention to all working capital aspects.
Cash flow forecasts.
Sensitivity and risk analysis on the P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flows.
The CFOO Centre Limited can help you by guiding you step-by-step on preparing your business plan, whether it is for raising money to expand or to use the business plan as your internal budget or 3-year or 5-year plan of action.
Our recent work has included preparing business plans for a mid-sized business in the medical industry, an organisation in the paper and printing industry and an extremely detailed one for one of the largest manufacturing companies in East Africa. We helped these particular organisations raise millions of dollars and got the organisations on track to their 3-year and 5-year planning processes respectively.

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