bridging the gap

You wouldn’t fly in an airplane from Nairobi to New York without a captain, would you? And you wouldn’t let the stewardess fly the plane while the airline company searches for a replacement? Similar to the airplane, organisations often have vacuums in their management teams whether at CFO or at COO levels. So why not get someone in, for a short to medium term, who is extremely skilled at the job? At the very least, this will take the heat off while you find your next CFO or COO.

A few years ago, interim CFO’s and COO’s was thought of as a solution for unexpected situations such as:
(i) The resignation of the CFO or the COO,
(ii) Slower than anticipated recruitment,
(iii) Maternity leave issues,
(iv) Death of a spouse,
(v) Surprises and unexpected problems,
(vi) Special projects or opportunities that needed urgent and specialised attention.

Today, the above situations remain as valid as ever, but what we also see is the use of interim CFO’s and COO’s as a genuine strategic option. As business plans are developed, smart management asks itself how best to resource the competencies that will be necessary to deliver.

Planning ahead with the intention to appoint top-quality interims when you actually need them is now commonplace. Interim CFO’s and COO’s make a visible contribution to an organisation its growth and development. Variety keeps interim CFO’s and COO’s fresh for future challenges.


Our advice when hiring interim CFO’s or COO’s:
(i) Be precise about how long they will be required,
(ii) Be prepared to expect brutal honesty,
(iii) Prepare to accept and implement advice,

The interim CFO or COO will sense the temporary nature of the road ahead, and if things are going to be done, they have to be done quickly. They’ll start to behave like a permanent manager, but without a settling-in period.

Organisations don’t ask for help even when they really need it, because they don’t want to lose face. You should realise that when you need expert advice, you should go and get it.

The CFOO Centre can solve problems that organisations have struggled with literally for years in couple of months and totally change the way the business runs. CEO’s should not feel that they are a failure. CEO’s should actually feel that they are successful because they realised they needed extra help.

With The CFOO Centre, you will be getting more than just a consultant. As interim CFO’s or COO’s we will be involved in the implementation and execution of what the organisation requires, whereas typically consultants are not. Typical consultants will be there for as long as you need them and once they complete their agenda, then they will have no further obligation to the organisation.

The rules of the corporate world are now more dynamic than ever before. At the CFOO Centre we realise this dynamism. We specialise in Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer services. We will have a ripple effect within your organisation, as we will also provide mentoring and support to your executives and help them grow.

Why the CFOO Centre:
(i) We have years and years of great experience,
(ii) We are extremely well networked and you could draw on our resources during our tenure,
(iii) We will bring best and world class practices,
(iv) We will hit the ground running and there will be little or no time for familiarisation and breaking ground periods,
(v) As we will not be a permanent resource, we will not be drawn into your organisations politics,
(vi) We will deliver, deliver and deliver,
(vii) We will understand very quickly your culture and fit in quickly,
(viii) We will knowledge transfer,
(ix) Finally, we don’t expect you to say thank you!

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